
I'm back!

Hey Guys! Sorry for not posting for like the entire summer. To recap my summer though, I worked at Jimmy Johns as a delivery driver. I learned a lot about this city, as well as how much work my car can take. School has started again, and I am unbelievably busy this year. With InterVarsity as well as school I'm going to be swamped! In other news, I have the chance of going into ministry with InterVarsity . I don't know what I should do. Should I stick with my major and hopefully find a job with that, or should I work with InterVarsity , which might (might because I don't know if God is calling me to do this or not) be beneficial. Joke of the Day: Where do you take a sick Tauntaun? To a Hoth-pital! Song of the Day: Hero // Family of the Year (You can either click the link, or go to the homepage here)

WiFi Withdrawals

I apologize Two weeks without a post can seem annoying, if you are depending on readings these weekly, but my new house didn't have WiFi until today, and even then I'm writing this at the library. Recap So since I last posted here are the things you've missed. I had a job and I lost a job. I played a lot of Skyrim (I'm now a level 48 mage.) This is my InterVarsity group when we watched Passion of the Christ for Easter. Two weeks without WiFi can be troublesome for a millennial. I have stayed off Twitter and other social medias and it's been a struggle, but I did it! I also saw both Avengers Infinity War and Deadpool 2.  Infinity War was amazing. I remember watching Iron Man back in 2008 and same with every other Marvel movie after. Watching all the heroes come together to fight the best villain in comic history. Amazing. Deadpool 2 I thought was good, but not as good as the original. It fell in the same trap as other great movies mak

The Beginning

The Start of Something New I have another blog  that I wrote for one of my classes, and after taking it I realized I enjoy writing blogs. So... Day 1: April 24, 2018 Today I had a presentation in my social media class. Coincidentally about the blog I just talked about. I felt like it went well. I have a lot of stuff to work on before finals. I have to recreate some news articles I made but got a bad score on, so that should be fun. I also watched the Jazz vs. Thunder game last night, and honestly I’m proud of what my team has done. No one expected them to go this far, and they are still going!! Tonight I’ll be leading a bible study with the InterVarsity group I am a part of. We will be going through John 20 and I’m excited. Final Thoughts:  How often should I post on my blog? Should I be a daily, biweekly, weekly, or any other type? Let me know in the comments! Ethan Dixon